Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Favs of Spring 2013

My favorite poem, though we didn't go over it in class, was Robert Frost's poem, The Road Not Taken. This has always been one of my favorite poems because it's about not following the norm, and setting your own path. This poem made an impact on me when I was entering high school and ever since then I've always tried to be my own self.

My least favorite peom was Ode To A Greacian Urn by John Keats. I didn't like this one because it was too old fashion for me. By that I mean the language was like Shakespearian and so it was really hard to understand.

My favorite short story was actually "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Gilman. I liked it because it was very different, and creepy. It reminded me of the movie A Beautiful Mind, which is about schizophrenia, and so I thought it was very fasinating to read "The Yellow Wallpaper" which was written by someone who had mental health issues.

My least favorite short story was "Happy Endings" by Margaret Atwood. I didn't like this one because it seemed really depressing, I felt like I should have only read Part A!

I felt like watching Bartleby that it didn't really help me understand Bartleby's character or anything else about the story. Whereas watching Death of a Salesman helped me understand Willy's character a lot more. Because we could actually hear and see him, we could tell by his stuttering and rambling that Willy isn't as sharp as he once was. And seeing him hit Linda, helped us understand that he has little respect for her.

I really liked the test prep days where we would put together the quotes from different short stories or try to figure out which character said what in  Death of a Salesman.I found this really helpful! And I find myself now quoting the stories all the time! "Ah Humanity"

My least favorite activity was working in small groups, I felt like we should have been mixed up more so we could get more intakes on the readings.

With my schedule I was very glad that we didn't have to do presentations! So I was glad that we never had to do that.

At first I didn't think I was going to like the blog posts, but after I got started, I ended up really enjoying it! I really liked trying to come up with certain poems like the howl imitation or the Ode. I thought those were very challenging but at the same time they felt rewarding. Especially since I could relate my poems to my own life somehow. My least favorite thing about the blogs was having to remember when they were due and trying to get onto our class blog, because if you don't put the .com at the end, you'll never find our class blog.

1 comment:

  1. It does my heart good to hear that a student is quoting the stories! I love it! Thanks, --W
