Monday, January 28, 2013

Litany Imitation

This one goes out to my boyfriend Ryan

You are the monkey and the trees,
the chocolate and the milk.
You are the thousands of miles on my car,
and the playlist of my heart.
You are the knot in my shoe
and the last minute Hail Mary shot.

However, you are not the plummeting waves of the ocean,
the gravel beneath my feet,
or a lost ship at sea.
And you are certainly not the giver of the blankets.
There is just no way that you are the giver of the blankets.

It is possible that you are the seagull that stole my French fry
maybe even the last bite of pie,
but you are not even close 
to being the dishes in the sink.

And a quick look in the mirror will show
that you are neither the walrus 
nor the moon

It might interest you to know,
speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,
that I am indeed the walrus and the moon.

I also happen to be a Beattles song,
a Sunday afternoon,
and a diamond in the ruff.

I am also the sweat pants on a rainy day
and the first bite of apple pie.
But don't worry, I'm not the monkey and the trees.
You are still the monkey and the trees.
You will always be the monkey and the trees,
not to mention the chocolate and-somehow-the milk.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Hopefully you'll share this with your boyfriend. You manage to depict via comparison a relationship that is long-lasting ("miles on my car") and comforting ("sweatpants on a rainy day" and chocolate milk).I think my favorite line is "It is possible you are the seagull who ate my french fry." It takes me to a day when my fiance and I were in Seattle at Iver's downtown...and we were feeding the greedy seagulls french fries. :)
