Sunday, February 10, 2013

Howl Imitation

I saw a generation of wannabes and must-havers

Who shell out hundreds of dollars for the new iphone, ipad, or a new flat screen TV then cry broke when asked to donate money to charity

Who would break cell phones in order to get new ones, then wonder why none of their relationships last more than a few weeks

Who look up to women named Snooki and not to a man named Jesus.

Who put themselves first before others and treat everyone else like they are beneath them

I saw a generation of abusers and mistreaters

Who forget to tell their moms "I love you" and forget to take their hats off indoors or to stop texting when someone is talking to them

Who cash in their financial aid checks and drop out of school, and use the money to create the meth lab of their dreams

Who send their children to school without breakfast or a lunch, because their too hungover or high to remember

Who yell and fight in front of young kids because the kids "don't understand and won't be affected"

Who text and drive then wonder why they get tickets or wonder how they didn't see that family of four slam on their brakes in front of them

I saw a generation born on a silver platter

Who believe working for a living is a joke, and that it's easier to gain weight and call themselves "disabled"

Who think mommy and daddy will pay for everything even though mommy and daddy "don't know anything and are stupid"

Who think words like "retard" and "gay" are not hurtful

Who will crush a person's ego and walk away laughing like nothing happened

I saw a generation that I am not proud of


  1. I agree with you about the people who want what is new it can consume them. i feel that as technology grows so will peoples obsessional of keeping up. i liked what you had to say.

  2. I really enjoyed your imitation. Everything that you said really is a problem and the way that you wrote makes the reader really see how these issues are a problem. I like the part where you say "Who look up to women named Snooki and not to a man named Jesus." This is a great way to bring in the culture that we are living in.

  3. Yes, there's a sense, in many of these examples, of utter disrespect. That's really clear in the line, "Who think mommy and daddy will pay for everything even though mommy and daddy "don't know anything and are stupid." Disrespect is rampant.
